More than blogging, Instagram has this way of really and truly capturing moments in time, which obviously, is it’s purpose, of course. But even though I can go back through my blog and see photos and read old posts like a journal, Instagram photo memories are almost always captured and posted in the moment or within a few hours of the moment, for me at least, with little editing in comparison. The thought and time that goes into a post is much more in depth than a quick photo and caption of what’s happening in my life at that precise moment {though obviously, not every moment of every day is captured, lol}. Each week when I create these InstaLife posts, I look back at the week prior for reference and it oftentimes feels like so much has happened since. Really, like a lifetime has come and gone and it’s only been 2 weeks. Most times I even go as far as double checking my dates to assure my confused mind that I am indeed looking at the most recent group of photo memories… and is usually followed by a “Really?
It’s like so much has changed in so little time. I suppose I’m just rambling now, but I’m sure some of you can relate, no?

1. Playing Blokus with Alison, sipping hot chocolate, in a mug with a quote from Napoleon Dynamite
2. Alison came up for the weekend. So fun when friends visit 🙂 She brought this crazy bright-Christmas-colored Pepper Jelly and it was DELISH! Sweet but spicy, a Southern treat she tells me
3. We are getting pretty good at this cooking thing. He does the main course, she does the sides. And by she, I mean me… this was our best steak night yet.
4. We’ve realized that even with all that Pug fur, Bebop is getting so cold lately we find him shivering, even by the heat of the fire sometimes. Luckily we had a random hoody sweatshirt that belonged to my Boston Terrier, Billy, and though Bebop doesn’t look very pleased here, he warmed up instantly!

1. Still completely undecided about my console table decor {though I worked on and off with it all Friday evening, kind of}. I have far too many elements at the moment & I can’t decide on the mirror or not… SO happy the rest of my curtain panels arrived today though ( from crate and barrel ) See them in the reflection?
2. Snow capped & blue skies… Seriously, every day is beautiful here. When it snows, it does so for a few hours or overnight maybe and then it’s blue skies and snow on the ground for a week until it snows again. Really, I know I say this too often, but it’s magical.
3. LeRoy, in his hoody… partially sleeping, partially watching me.
4. An AMAZINGLY huge blue coral I saw at a local decor shop and I just fell in love. It was just gorgeous and would look so fabulous on a future coffee table or console maybe? I’m still thinking on it, among other things there 😉 {See my Vintage Coral Sculpture DIY here}

1. Opted for the newsboy {or pageboy} hat rather than a beanie since it was a little warmer. It did the trick. {full outfit post coming soon}
2. Lunch by the lake at a Tai restaurant in the Village, though I can’t remember the name of it.
3. A favorite print in my office “SH UT UP” by drollgirl. BEG her to release a new limited edition of these prints 😉
4. Last week’s outfit post with elbow hearts {full outfit post here}

1. Timmy visited last weekend… and decided to drive his little rabbit down the mountain and home while it began to snow. We thought he was cray. But he made it… through the snow, the hail, the rain, and then the thickest fog ever. We do hope he returns one day.
2. Sitting next to sleepy Bebop closeup by the fire