Find me on Instagram to see these in real time. *Click to enlarge for Pinning. More than blogging, Instagram has this way of really and truly capturing moments in time, which obviously, is it’s purpose, of course. But even though I can go back through my blog and see photos and read old posts like …

My InstaLife : Week 11/4-11/10
I was really looking forward to last week. Firstly because it offered some R&R from the week prior, which had me buzzing around like a chicken with its head cut off {and may or may not have ended in a mini break-down}. Secondly, it was voting week! Not only did we as Americans get to …

My InstaLife : Week 10/20-27
I realize that many bloggers do a weekly Instagram recap on their blogs and until now I thought it was a little redundant considering my Instagram photos also pop up on my Facebook page & Twitter {though sometimes they don’t}. However, not everyone is on Instagram and/or Facebook & Twitter and therefore missing out… or …
My Life… Photos… New & Vintage Finds…
This week will go down in history as one of the top 5 craziest weeks of my life. Yes, I feel a little dramatic even just typing that but it really has been insane. My manuscript was due to my publisher on Monday and admittedly, I’m a few days late in sending it in. Oh …
The Enchanted Cottage…
The husband and I have upped our weekly walks and hikes to almost daily now and if you follow me on Instagram, Facebook, or read my weekly Instagram updates, you’ll see I’ve started a new series/feature called “Houses in the Woods”, wherein I post photos of houses in our new woodsy location, Lake Arrowhead. Since …