Oh Summer, GLORIOUS SUMMER! A time for fewer layers of clothing, lighter fabrics, bare skin, floaty dresses, open toes, sandals, sunglasses, and sexy summer hair! In general, I’m not too fond of perfectly coiffed hair styles, mostly because the perfectionist in me takes over and is never satisfied. So to combat that, I almost always …
* Tan Lines : Love *
I LOVE tan lines. I can’t be sure sure but I think it has something to do with my first Barbie …who just so happened to be from Malibu, and very tan . . . While I’m not a fan of them peeping out and ruining the look & line of an outfit, when completely …

These Babies Need Our Help! They Are Angels in Waiting
I hate to admit this, but I had high expectations for getting pregnant once we moved away from the stress of Los Angeles and up into the serene mountains nearly a year ago now. And you know where expectations lead us : to unsatisfied minds and unhappy souls. As each month passed without conception, just …

Infertility Makes Me Feel Stupid, Shameful, Embarrassed, and most of all, like a complete failure.
Yup, another boring post about infertility and not being able to get pregnant and have children. Statistics show that I usually have a Winter and a Summer edition, so I’m just about on schedule with this one. In other news, I wonder how many people began following my blog years ago just to see if …
My InstaLife Recap | Week 7/7-7/14 in Photos
Follow me on Instagram to see these in real time. Also, if you see any you like, they may be for sale at Instacanv.as. You can email me if you don’t see one that you like and I’ll make it available. Baby shoes… because, baby feet. The husband’s family came up to visit this …
There’s a Lovin’ In your Eyes …All the Way
What I’m Wearing* Organic John Patrick white blouse with pouf sleeves {& I actually love this shirt though I’m 100% positive the husband hates the sleeves …but judging from the butt comment he made before we shot photos, I’m 100% sure he LIKES the jeans}* Rich and Skinny jeans …last seen here* Clover necklace inspired …