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Hope You Had a Wonderful 4th of July Weekend!
We had so much fun I had to take yesterday off to recuperate! With a house full of family and friends and cake pops, everyone was in a pretty fantastic mood throughout the festivities, even the kiddos. We screamed and oohed and awed as we watched the fireworks over the lake; so close, we could almost touch them. I’ve never seen a better show or had a better 4th of July experience. Though I did get sentimental and shed a few tears last year being our first time, this year was even better. I feel so lucky and grateful to be where I am, surrounded by love and beauty.

I must have gone back to look at this photo of the fireworks over the lake about one hundred times. It encapsulates the moment so well and yet somehow surprises me every time I look at it.

Waiting on the shoreline, watching the boats slowly float out and clutter the lake as the sun sets, creating a new reflection on the water to add to the spectacle and fun. It’s one of my favorite parts. {I wore my overalls}

Delilah playing in the water as the sun sets… waiting for the fireworks to begin. The sunset was incredible.. hot pinks, oranges, and yellows. It was a show before the show.

Hanging with Delilah on the lake the day after the fun… still having fun–mean muggin’ sandwich sharin’ kind of fun. I have so many photos and would love to do an entire 4th of July post, but I’m already days behind, so it may never happen – but it also may happen 😉

I bought a few new flowers and plants to brighten up the deck and Trevor has been OBSESSED with eating this one ever since. I finally had to put it up on the table, but not before I caught a funny shot of his lip.

Bebop Pugman awaiting the holiday weekend.

Just one of the patriotic puppy pics from my 4th post… and let it be known, this shot was the ONLY one of like 40 where they BOTH had a flag in their mouth before Randy dropped his. I was lucky to get one… one is all you need 😉

And just to round out the festive 4th posts, my red, white, and blue nails… which chipped by the actual holiday and I gave myself a new red, white and blue manicure the night before which I totally forgot to capture.

Their faces here were exactly how I felt on Monday… I just couldn’t get off the couch.

The puppies are 6 months old now… and this is a #TBT of when they were about two months old… I love the difference between the one above it. They’re still little, but not this tiny. Oh I love them.

Randy had a little bit of thickening in his ear so we took him to the vet {he’s fine, just some ear wash and drops} but it was the first time the boys have been apart ever! I stayed home with Trevor who cried by the door for a minute, but retired on the couch with me and slept the time away.

Just a Frenchie brother face off… they love these Whimzees

Summertime rolls…
Happy Weekend – Tuesday!
* Hope you had a nice weekend and are easing into this week… I don’t want to do anything at all 😉