Iva Messy wondered if I would do a few DIY headbands and since I actually wanted to make some headbands last year but never did, I had all the supplies I needed. I will intersperse a few between questions.
From Lila Sweetheart
I’m always trying to get my hair to look like this! {soft waves with the curling iron} What products are you using?
I don’t use any products other than shampoo and conditioner and hair spray. I alternate between Fekkai {better for tangled beach hair look} and Dove {better for blow dry days or a soft natural air dry}. Products make my hair feel greasy and then I have to wash and style it more often leading to more damage.

From Underfunded Heiress
Just curious- how often do you curl your hair during the week? Mine started getting damaged from curling it. I was using the curling iron about 5 times a week though.
I usually curl my hair on the second day dirty …so at least two or maybe three times a week. Since I rarely blow dry my hair, I’m not too worried about the heat.

From Georgie Girl
I would definitely like to know your secrets to such naturally long and healthy hair. I’m sure some of it is down to the fact that you don’t blowdry very often.
Yes …I try not to blow dry as often as I can stand it. Luckily, beach hair is in …lol. I also rarely brush it {never when wet} …and only wash it when it doesn’t look good any more …mostly every other day but when I’m lucky, I get three good days out of it. Usually, second day hair has the best texture to hold a style. I also tend to wait a really long time in between getting my roots done …trying to let my natural hair grow out a bit more {and I’m lazy!}. I get a trim every OTHER time I get my roots done but if you tend to get color done more often than I do, I would get a trim every third salon visit.

add as many ribbons as you’d like at various lengths or stitch the flower directly onto a larger satin ribbon and tie around head. {I personally like removable items because clearly I am afraid of commitment …a reason why I rarely use glue …and it also usually looks like poop
From The Beauty File
I’m really trying to grow my hair…like long…it’s below my shoulders now, but I wanted to see what tips you have on haircutting/trimming, etc to maximize growth potential??
Much like the answer above …little or no blow-drying or brushing and washing only when necessary. Stylists often say if you must wash it every day, use a conditioner only on the second day …but I just don’t wash it. Also, keep a darker color while trying to grow it out. I went from short and platinum to long and natural -ish in a relatively short time but I had to darken it first. Once it grew out, I added highlights mixed with my natural color as a low light. I also stick to a color that’s pretty close to what my natural hair looks like when the sun highlights it ..this way, I can really wait between touch-ups and strengthen it.
Since, well, forever, I have been flipping my wet hair when I’m done in the shower. I have a lot of hair and flipping it a couple of times separates it pretty well for me so I don’t have to brush it. I rarely brush it actually. If I’m blow drying it straight {it’s already straight so I honestly don’t have to work that hard} I’ll use a brush …and sometimes on a {lucky} third day after using the iron on day 2, I can brush out the waves {just a bit} for a softer, 70’s look.
Every time I flip my hair in the shower I wonder how old I will be when I won’t be able to do it any longer. lol. {photo via}
Day One Looks {freshly washed hair} …click the links for visual aids
1. Blown Dry …no straightening iron
2. Air Dry …Dove shampoo/conditioner {softer & shinier, sometimes a loose bun while drying will give it a little natural wave, no frizz once fully dry} {here too}
3. Air Dry …Fekkai shampoo/conditioner {more tangled and stringy look, as if you’ve just been in the salt water and wind …maybe a bit of hair spray and a scrunch or two}
4. Fekkai, Hair Spray, Srunch …when a bit dry, twist and set with a flat iron
Day Two Looks {one day dirty hair – best for styling because of the natural texture}
1. Waving with a curling iron …how to here and here.
2. Single or Double Pony Tail
Day Two or Day Three Looks
1. Low Messy Side Bun …how to here
2. Brushed out a little, pulled back in low pony …front waves left out
If you have any other questions, leave them in the comments and I’ll include them with a link to you 🙂
…comment questions
From Chere @ Teasingly Diverse
Have you always been able to do the every other (or every 3) day hair washing routine? Or did it take some time to “train” your hair? Sadly, my hair is super fine and wants to be washed every single day. I’m slowly teaching it that it doesn’t need to be, but it’s taking forever.
Try some different shampoos and maybe only condition the ends or sparingly. I think because I have a lot of hair it just takes a while to get greasy, however, if I used products on it, I would have to wash it every day. But different shampoos/conditioners definitely do different things.