Okay… remember when that whole “Kylie lip challenge” thing was going on where girls were sticking their lips in glasses and sucking and the suction would make them HUGE and it was ridiculous?
Well, there’s an actual product that is pretty much the same thing, except smaller, and plastic and it looks so bizarro to me that I feel like I HAVE TO TRY IT!
It’s called fullips. Have you heard of it? I feel like I’m so behind on this!

And also, what really freaks me out most about is the wrinkles it will ultimately cause around your lips from prolonged use… but if it doesn’t work, then it won’t really matter…
I dunno, watch and see for yourself, but now I’m totally intrigued and totally want to try it and see!
* This is the step-by-step how-to use fullips from fullips.com
Step 1: Clean fullips enhancer with mild soap and water.
Step 2: We recommend lightly exfoliating lips and the surrounding area first, with a soft washcloth or soft toothbrush, to help achieve fuller results. Next, wet the area around your mouth with water. This moisture is not necessary, but may help establish tighter suction which is the key to a good result.
Step 3: Position your fullips enhancer over your mouth and lip area, hold in place, and begin sucking short puffs of air out of enhancer. Continue until solid suction is established and enhancer is firmly around mouth. (You may have to move it around a little to get it into position to establish tighter suction)
Step 4: Let lips relax into the enhancer. You should feel a gentle pulling. The amount of time for leaving fullips on will vary for the individual, but begin in 15-30 second increments. Use finger to help break suction.
Repeat the steps until desired fullness is reached.
Step 5: Apply your lip cosmetics as usual.
You can BUY fullips on their site or via the fullips Amazon store

Cosmo did a quick little video review on it…

My favorite review + a before & after…
Youtuber a little about a lot did a nice review on it about a year ago… Watch it below.
Lovecats, have you tried Fullips? Tell me if it works for you!
I seriously feel SO BEHIND on this product, I can’t even believe it, but still… I’M DYING TO GET MY LIPS ON IT to try it out!!!
* Check out more girls using fullips on their Instagram